100 Books Before Graduation


100 Books Before Graduation is a reading initiative for teens to read 100 books before they graduate from high school.

Studies have shown reading for pleasure and enjoyment has a positive impact both academically and socially. Additionally, there is an improvement in emotional health and well-being.

Reading for pleasure can:

  • Result in higher test scores
  • Improve reading achievement (strong vocabulary, greater use of grammatical structure, and improved writing style)
  • Increase social skills
  • Reduce stress
  • Help cure boredom

Who Can Participate?

Students entering 6th-12th in the South Country Central School District

How Does It Work?

  • Register here.
  • Record the Books you complete each month using a personalized book log sent within 10 days of registration.
  • Incentive prizes will be given each time an individual reaches a 20-book milestone.
  • There is no set list of books to read for this personal reading challenge. You can read anything on your reading level. Audiobooks and graphic novels count.
  • Need some reading recommendations? Check out our Reading Lists for Teen Librarian recommendations. Still not sure what to read, contact the Teen Librarian at teen@sctylib.org or call 631-286-0818.
  • You have until June 30 of your senior year of high school to reach 100 books.

Have more questions? This FAQ will answer them for you.