Motion Picture Technologies: Color in Film

05/10/24 @ 2:00pm –
05/10/24 @ 3:00pm

Community Room A

South Country Library

Registration is required.
Registration starts: 04/01/2024 @ 9:30am

Registration end: 05/10/2024 @ 2:00pm

Delve into the vibrant world of cinematic color, tracing its journey from the Lumière brothers’ pioneering days through the Technicolor revolution of the 1940s, the widescreen innovations of the 1950s, and up to today’s immersive experiences in IMAX and 3D. Explore how color has transformed storytelling in film, gaining insight into its evolution and impact on modern filmmaking. Zachary Towlen, a filmmaker and educator, presents an engaging new lecture sure to captivate both longtime cinephiles and newcomers alike.