Information & Policies

Equal Opportunity Statement:

The South Country Library does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Please let us know in advance if you require any special accommodations because of a disability.


The South Country Library website has links to third party Internet sites. The library is not responsible for the content of the third party sites.

Emergency Closings:

On rare occasions it becomes necessary to close the Library due to severe weather conditions or power outages. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes our devoted patrons, and we ask that you don’t leave any returned books, or other items on the sidewalk. If the book slot is too full to accept your returns, bring them in the next day and talk to the Circulation staff.

Information and Policies Documents:

Library Employment Application

Long Range Plan

Patron Conduct Policy

Patron and Circulation Services Policy

Program Policy

Library Patron Confidentiality


Materials Selection, Deacquisition & Request For Review Policy

Request for Review of Library Resource

Community Room Application & Meeting Room Use Policy

Exhibit Display Policy

Exhibitor’s Agreement & Release

Internet Policy

Social Network Policy

Notary Service Policy

Passport Service Policy

Library Access for Impaired Patrons

Whistleblower Policy

Petty Cash Policy

Ethics & Conflict of Interest Policy for Library Trustees

Environmental-Sustainability Policy

Employee Personnel Policy

Meeting/Study Room Guidelines

Bulletin Board (Lobby) Policy

Disaster Response Plan (available upon request at the library)

Purchasing Policy (available upon request at the library)

Library Bill of Rights

Library Interior Map

Welcome Packet

Current Library Budget

By the Numbers Info Graphic

This website is maintained by the South Country Library. The Reference Department, Young Adult Department, and Children’s Department of the South Country Library are responsible for its content.
If you have questions specifically about the website, you can e-mail the web manager at